
Showing posts with the label drugs


I was reading a piece by Tao Lin in Thought Catalog.  It is called "What I Typed On Mushrooms On October 23 2011". There is the link, but I'm also pasting the text here for convenience / in case the link should get broken in the future. Without further adieu, here is what Tao Lin typed on mushrooms on October 23, 2011: thinking ‘who would “get” this’ ems8o thr informs790- rms8 is information no longer recordable thought ‘you can’t die from this’ and felt significance memory of a position, outsidie of oneself memory of something outside oneself remembering a prior thing, no long34 rememb3ring the significnce of my inability to type this isnt it weird im having so much trouble typing this sentence i cant feel wetness i cant remember anything im not sure what an outside perspective would think this is all being recorded from some future viewpoint looking back like a spotlight shining on the past and in the darkness gli...


BEHOLD: "I can't believe it's not cocaine!"

Uncomfortable Moment #4080: Relating to Cat Marnell is SHADY

Here are excerpts that I related to...out of just ONE column.  At 4:00 AM in SoHo I would stop and look at the blank-faced mannequins in the windows of the shuttered stores on Broadway and feel something like my soul if I believed in souls slipping out of the top of my head like steam from a kettle and rising like street exhaust into the blinky-black sky.  Adios,  ghost. Then I'd walk home, listening to the Rolling Stones:  YOU'RE A STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR YES YOU ARE YES YOU ARE YES YOU ARE ARE ARE ARE. I'd sit in the middle of it all and lay, like I said, in a child's pose, with my head on the floor. When morning came, I'd go out and crack psychiatrists like coconuts on Fifth Avenue.  Gimme more. Back when I was full of shame I'd smoke a cigarette on my window ledge and talk to God on the 16th floor, age 18. If anybody—God, do they? If anybody saw, if anybody knew…  I used to think three, five, ten time...

when lindsay shows me a drawer full of kibs


Suck on this, Hoovervilles


Is Angiepymytu's new favorite word. entheogen |enˈthēəˌjen, -jən| noun a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes. DERIVATIVES entheogenic |enˌthēəˈjenik| adjective ORIGIN 1970s: from Greek, literally ‘becoming divine within’ ; coined by an informal committee studying the inebriants of shamans.