
Showing posts with the label email

the creator pulls a turtle newsletter on rachel

(Seriously, though, how did these folks get my email address?) The Power of Kabbalah Course $49.99 Discounted Price Inbox x   Miriam Zuckerman   <> Aug 22 (1 day ago) to  me Hi Rachel, I’m sending you this email because you were interested in Kabbalah studies but haven’t had the opportunity to take a class with us yet. I would like to invite you to our newly-formatted, deep , introductory 10 - week course :   Power of Kabbalah 1 .  I am thrilled to tell you that with our Summer Promotion ,  which we are offering in the months of August and September, this 10 week course will cost only  $49.99  instead of the original $320 ,  this is an  85%  discount! Kabbalah­—meaning ‘to receive’ in English— is a 5000 year old, universal spiritual teaching whose purpose is to end pain and suffering in the world.  It gives us practical tools  to receive fulfillment and control our desti


Image found 69 subscriptions and a turtle ain't one. does this sound at all familiar ?