Mutant Ninja Forum is the leading online community for pet tortoise keepers. Our app allows you to access our forums on your Android mobile device so you can post questions from your yard or reptile room, upload photos of your animals, and stay connected with other tortoise enthusiasts. Tortoise keepers will appreciate the ability to search our veterinarian lists for information about local tortoise and reptile veterinarians. This app can also be used to stay up to date on new listings in our classifieds. Find current information on tortoise keeping and stay alerted to reptile news and happenings in the reptile community. Ready fer sum picz-or-it-didn't-happen? Just gonna let that one sink in. Yeeaaaahhhhh. "If your a turtle lover/owner, and you have never been to the tortoise forum. You have some issues. This app 5 stars" BTW, this is payback for when you signed me up for the Turtle Farm newsletter (733 days ago). Gmail never forgets ----- ...