
Showing posts with the label academe

Bosons, Hadrons, Fermions, Head-Ons

Why am I awake and reading about this?


Is Angiepymytu's new favorite word. entheogen |enˈthēəˌjen, -jən| noun a chemical substance, typically of plant origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes. DERIVATIVES entheogenic |enˌthēəˈjenik| adjective ORIGIN 1970s: from Greek, literally ‘becoming divine within’ ; coined by an informal committee studying the inebriants of shamans.



stuff angiepymy has been doing


Wait wait...

are you trying to tell me it's not on the best-seller list?

SKILLFUL PIGMIES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The below is taken from tomorrow's inquisition reading, which I'll have you know is an entire book, titled The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. * * * "'The peoples of these lands have different laws, because some worship the sun, some fire, some the trees, some serpents, and others the first thing they encounter in the morning.  Still others worship images and idols. . . ' Mandeville related these facts at the beginning of the second part of his travels in speaking of Chana, a small island off the Indian coast. . . . Menocchio's mental universe now consisted of Inda and Cathay and islands inhabited by cannibals, Pigmies and men with the heads of dogs.  It was on the subject of Pigmies that Mandeville wrote a page destined to enjoy an extraordinary success: 'they are people short in stature, who are about three spans long: and they are beautiful and graceful, both men and women, because of their smallness.  They marry whe

my whole world on its head

The first [commandment] forbids the worship of any other gods.  This is not yet monotheism: the existence of other gods is not denied.... Around the time of the Babylonian exile we shall find stronger assertions that YKVK is the only true God, in the prophet we call Second Isaiah, but strict monotheism is developed only in the Hellenistic period, under the influence of Greek philosophy.

Lavender Linguistics

Polari Swardspeak Bugpymychasing Moffietaal of the Cape Coloured Community EXAMPLE OF MOFFIETAAL: Varda that Beulah! Vast mitzi. She's a chicken and probably Priscilla and I don't need Jennifer Justice in my life right now.    Translation: Look at that beauty! Very me. He's young and probably a policeman and I don't need trouble with the law in my life at the moment. EXAMPLE OF BUGCHASING:


Old European  ( alteuropäisch ) is the term used by Hans Krahe (1964) for the language of the oldest reconstructed stratum of European hydronymy (river names) in Central and Western Europe. The character of these river names is pre-Germanic and pre-Celtic and dated by Krahe to the 2nd millennium BC. German linguist Theo Vennemann has suggested that the language of the old European hydronyms was agglutinative and preindoeuropean, however this stands in contrast to the more generally accepted view that the hydronyms are of Indo-European origin and Theo Vennemann's theory has been criticised as being seriously flawed.

Constitution Day, or the campus life you're missing out on.

Direct quote from email "For all of you who have lost or mislaid your pocket version of the Constitution, free copies of this  miniature document will be given out, while supplies last, at the Offices of Government & Community Affairs, rooms 302, 308 & 309 Low Library, beginning noon on Thursday, September 15 th ."