
Showing posts with the label trademark pymy moves

69 problems and a smiley ain't one

pymxpressions: ಠ_ಠ [disapprove] Ծ_Ծ [disapprove] ಠ~ಠ [hrm…] ఠ_ఠ [o rly?] ಠ_ರೃ [dignified] ಠ_ృ [dignified] ಠ╭╮ಠ [frown] ◔_◔ [rolling eyes] 𝄇⥀.⥀𝄆 [rolling eyes] ⊙_ʘ [crazy/wonky] ◴_◶ [herp derp] ◕ ◡ ◕ [smile] (๏̯͡๏﴿ [sad] (͡๏̯͡๏) [sad] ◔̯◔ [sad] ⊙︿⊙ [sad] ◕︵◕ [sad] ●︵• [sad] ◉︵◉ [really sad] ಡ_ಡ [misty eyes] ಥ_ಥ [crying] ಢ_ಢ [crying] ಢ_ಥ [heavily distraught] ⊙﹏⊙ [embarrassed] ( ゚o゚) [surprised] ⋋_⋌ [frustrated] 〴⋋_⋌〵[angry] ಠ益ಠ [rage] ヽ(`Д´)ノ [raging] ‎(ノ≥∇≤)ノ [raging] (︶ε︶メ) [deep breaths] ˚▱˚ [gasp] ⊙▂⊙ [gasp] ⊙▃⊙ [bigger gasp] (ΘεΘ;) [nervous] (゚ヮ゚) [happy] 〓D [happy] (´ー`) [content] (´▽`) [haha] (゚*゚) [pucker] (。・_・。) [blush] ♥╭╮♥ [lovesick] ≖◡ಎ≖ [devious] (///_ಥ) [injured] (≥_<) [black eye] ʕʘ‿ʘʔ [doofy] :-þ [silly] :^Þ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [lol i dunno] ヘ(◕。◕ヘ) [ballin] ๏_๏ [stare] ◉_◉ ਉ_ਉ [tired] ☼_☼ [bulging|bloodshot] ♨_♨ [CAN’T UNSEE] ☯‿☯ [peace] (゚ー゚) [cool] (• ε •) [sheepish] (`・ω・´) ¬_¬ [glare] ಸ_ಸ ↁ_ↁ ಆ_ಆ ಊ_ಊ ಹ_ಹ ㅎ_ㅎ 【•】_【•】[woah] (ு८ு_ .:) (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ [hug] (/◔ ◡ ◔)/...

Unofficial Mascot of the New York Pymies

Figured out how to port the image files of our beloved tofu stickers to the format of our beloved blog. Everyone wins!  More to come.

Christopher Walken understands

From last week's NYT Magazine. "A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit. It's like an offering." Christopher Walken

Solution to our chronic B.O.S. (Book Overload Syndrome)

want want want want want want want want want want want

this goes for both of us.

cases in point:  for people who adore art, we never have any decorations on our walls. our rooms contain only what we absolutely need; everything else stays in boxes (your case) or is thrown out (my case) unfortunately for me, this rule extends to the wardrobe department.  too lazy to go shopping --> "I believe in having only a few basic pieces that you can wear with anything." (lies and excuses) I'm too lazy to continue this list, so it shall be a minima list.

Baby Pymies

Mark Zuckerberg suggested "pictures of you and Alexander Gregory."  So glad he did.  It's fun(ny) to think of all the situations we've been in.  This is not sentimental - strictly funny.  Also I don't really wanna go to Montauk in 6 hours...................... DRUMROLL, PLEASE . . . . .

Like A Pym


"Little Nomads"

WELCOME TO PYGMYLAND  May I take your coat?

That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets




when my best friend and i realize the liquor store closes in 10 minutes


us on any city street
