
Showing posts with the label likeapym

Eighteenth Day of the First Month | MMXIV



Image found 69 subscriptions and a turtle ain't one. does this sound at all familiar ? 

69 problems and a smiley ain't one

pymxpressions: ಠ_ಠ [disapprove] Ծ_Ծ [disapprove] ಠ~ಠ [hrm…] ఠ_ఠ [o rly?] ಠ_ರೃ [dignified] ಠ_ృ [dignified] ಠ╭╮ಠ [frown] ◔_◔ [rolling eyes] 𝄇⥀.⥀𝄆 [rolling eyes] ⊙_ʘ [crazy/wonky] ◴_◶ [herp derp] ◕ ◡ ◕ [smile] (๏̯͡๏﴿ [sad] (͡๏̯͡๏) [sad] ◔̯◔ [sad] ⊙︿⊙ [sad] ◕︵◕ [sad] ●︵• [sad] ◉︵◉ [really sad] ಡ_ಡ [misty eyes] ಥ_ಥ [crying] ಢ_ಢ [crying] ಢ_ಥ [heavily distraught] ⊙﹏⊙ [embarrassed] ( ゚o゚) [surprised] ⋋_⋌ [frustrated] 〴⋋_⋌〵[angry] ಠ益ಠ [rage] ヽ(`Д´)ノ [raging] ‎(ノ≥∇≤)ノ [raging] (︶ε︶メ) [deep breaths] ˚▱˚ [gasp] ⊙▂⊙ [gasp] ⊙▃⊙ [bigger gasp] (ΘεΘ;) [nervous] (゚ヮ゚) [happy] 〓D [happy] (´ー`) [content] (´▽`) [haha] (゚*゚) [pucker] (。・_・。) [blush] ♥╭╮♥ [lovesick] ≖◡ಎ≖ [devious] (///_ಥ) [injured] (≥_<) [black eye] ʕʘ‿ʘʔ [doofy] :-þ [silly] :^Þ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [lol i dunno] ヘ(◕。◕ヘ) [ballin] ๏_๏ [stare] ◉_◉ ਉ_ਉ [tired] ☼_☼ [bulging|bloodshot] ♨_♨ [CAN’T UNSEE] ☯‿☯ [peace] (゚ー゚) [cool] (• ε •) [sheepish] (`・ω・´) ¬_¬ [glare] ಸ_ಸ ↁ_ↁ ಆ_ಆ ಊ_ಊ ಹ_ಹ ㅎ_ㅎ 【•】_【•】[woah] (ு८ு_ .:) (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ [hug] (/◔ ◡ ◔)/...

Unofficial Mascot of the New York Pymies

Figured out how to port the image files of our beloved tofu stickers to the format of our beloved blog. Everyone wins!  More to come.

Christopher Walken understands

From last week's NYT Magazine. "A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit. It's like an offering." Christopher Walken

A Curated Collection of Quotes about Whisky (for which you can thank me in whisky)

"Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whisky is barely enough." Mark Twain "The light music of whisky falling into a glass - an agreeable interlude." James Joyce "Always carry a large flagon of whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake." W. C. Fields "I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis." Humphrey Bogart 's last words "Whisky is liquid sunshine." George Bernard Shaw "The water was not fit to drink. To make it palatable, we had to add whisky. By diligent effort, I learned to like it."   Sir Winston Churchill "There are two things a Highlander likes naked, and one of them is malt whisky." Scottish Proverb "May the enemies of Ireland never eat bread nor drink whisky, but be tormented with itching without the benefit of scratching." Irish toast "Whisky, drink divine! Why should drivelers bore us With the prais...

Solution to our chronic B.O.S. (Book Overload Syndrome)

want want want want want want want want want want want

this goes for both of us.

cases in point:  for people who adore art, we never have any decorations on our walls. our rooms contain only what we absolutely need; everything else stays in boxes (your case) or is thrown out (my case) unfortunately for me, this rule extends to the wardrobe department.  too lazy to go shopping --> "I believe in having only a few basic pieces that you can wear with anything." (lies and excuses) I'm too lazy to continue this list, so it shall be a minima list.

Just Pyms (if onlyyyy)

old propho smith by mapplethorpe Also...Mick Jagger had this to say about Patti Smith:  "I think it's crap! I think she's so awful...she's full of rubbish, she's full of words and crap. I mean, she's a poseur of the worst kind, intellectual bullshit, trying to be a street girl when she doesn't seem to me to be one, I mean, everything...a useless guitar player, a bad singer, not attractive. She's got her heart in the right place but she's such a POSER! She's not really together musically, she's...all right."

Uncomfortable Moment #4080: Relating to Cat Marnell is SHADY

Here are excerpts that I related to...out of just ONE column.  At 4:00 AM in SoHo I would stop and look at the blank-faced mannequins in the windows of the shuttered stores on Broadway and feel something like my soul if I believed in souls slipping out of the top of my head like steam from a kettle and rising like street exhaust into the blinky-black sky.  Adios,  ghost. Then I'd walk home, listening to the Rolling Stones:  YOU'RE A STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR FUCKER STAR YES YOU ARE YES YOU ARE YES YOU ARE ARE ARE ARE. I'd sit in the middle of it all and lay, like I said, in a child's pose, with my head on the floor. When morning came, I'd go out and crack psychiatrists like coconuts on Fifth Avenue.  Gimme more. Back when I was full of shame I'd smoke a cigarette on my window ledge and talk to God on the 16th floor, age 18. If anybody—God, do they? If anybody saw, if anybody knew…  I used to think three, five, ten time...

pymmy is too cool for school

p y m m y  P I Y A M A S, that is



What should we call you?

The story is that I spent lots of time cleaning my hard drive this weekend. I found all these screenshots I'd taken, right in a row, when we were chatting with Che and I told you guys about my dad.  So this was December 2011.  Anyway, the series of photos screamed GIF. And then they screamed, "BENTLEY!!!!"

The Third One!

Pimmy Pimayas