
Showing posts from April, 2014

WOTD Friday: Fatiloquent

fa·til·o·quent   adjective   \fā ˈ tiləkwənt, fə ˈ -\ Prophetic; fatidical; speaking of fate. · Other form(s) : Fatiloquist · Etymology : Latin fatiloquus : fati- (fr.  fatum * ) + -loquus (fr.  loqui ) · See also : Fatidic ; Psalm 33:9   · Sample usage : In the beginning, a fatiloquent fellow spoke spake the world into existence. " Fatiloquist " is not to be confused with "ventriloquist". *So apparently the Latin noun fatum  is itself derived from for/fārī/fātus sum , a deponent verb meaning "to speak, talk, say". PIE = *bʰeh₂- BTW, you need to click each and every hyperlinked word above, because one of them is not like the others... #suspense

Words Of The Day: An Announcement

Lately in the course of daily reading, I've been acquainted with some particularly delicious English adjectives. It has been my custom [A] to raise an eyebrow whilst typing in a dictionary search, then [B] to grin-smirk at the monitor for anywhere from 5 seconds to 25 ( t  being correlated inversely to the Credibility Factor of the proposed PIE root), before finally [C] filing under Things That Exist and getting on with my day. But some of this shit is too good to keep to myself. So I'm gonna tack on a Part [D]: posting the word here. And I'm gonna call it WOTD , because ¡abbreviations! And when I'm bored at work I'm gonna scout out a word that be Fun and Interesting ( forms thereof  duh), and I'm prolly gonna match the first letter to the day of the week because ¡alliteration! And I'm gonna invite you to do the same, whenever you have occasion.  ~ Angiepymyjew

Emoji Nation, by Nastya Pticheck

Thought you might appreciate these. See links for full works at bottom.

Patti Smith has strong feelings about Selling Out™

There are a lot of funny things in here and here is the full article if you're interested. (You are. Thank me later for saving you from having to read to the bottom.)