WOTD Friday: Fatiloquent
fa·til·o·quent adjective \fā ˈ tiləkwənt, fə ˈ -\ Prophetic; fatidical; speaking of fate. · Other form(s) : Fatiloquist · Etymology : Latin fatiloquus : fati- (fr. fatum * ) + -loquus (fr. loqui ) · See also : Fatidic ; Psalm 33:9 · Sample usage : In the beginning, a fatiloquent fellow spoke spake the world into existence. " Fatiloquist " is not to be confused with "ventriloquist". *So apparently the Latin noun fatum is itself derived from for/fārī/fātus sum , a deponent verb meaning "to speak, talk, say". PIE = *bʰeh₂- BTW, you need to click each and every hyperlinked word above, because one of them is not like the others... #suspense