NYMag - Childhood in NY


Some of my favorites are Barbara Walters, Richard Price, Spike Lee, and, of course, Paris & Nicky Hilton


[ANGIEDIT] Thanks for posting this.  There are too many good quotes to keep adding as comments, so I'll re-publish below.  Some are just amusing/interesting, others, extremely resonant (for me).

My mother and I are immigrants, and I was oblivious. We didn’t have TV, we didn’t have radio. My mother was afraid of the outside world—she survived the concentration camps, so of course you’re clannish. She stuck me in the yeshiva. The problem was I couldn’t speak English. One of the first phrases I learned was, “What, are you stupid? Can’t you speak English?”  [Gene Simmons]

We used to take the subway from Brooklyn up to Yankee Stadium. It seemed like I was going to Canada. [Rudy Giuliani]

The life of a kid in New York City, it’s about making your circles bigger and bigger around your home. When you’d get a little older, you’d get on the F train and go to Rockefeller Center and tool around a little bit. [Anthony Weiner] 

I really thought I was becoming a young man when I was able to get on the subway and go down to 42nd Street. [Colin Powell]

For the longest time, I just assumed the graffiti was painted on the subways when it came off the factory line. [Anthony Weiner]

You only get into trouble when you lose track of time because your mouth is open—“Oh my God, I can’t believe I’m here.” And then you have to decide if you were going to tell the truth or if you were going to lie. I had a mother who demanded that you tell the truth or be insanely creative about lying. It had to be a good story. If it was a terrible story, you ran the risk of really having her disappointed in your lack of imagination. [Whoopi Goldberg]

On Nostrand Avenue, where we would go shopping for food, practically every other store was run by a refugee who escaped Hitler. The fact that I’m now here, on the Foreign Relations Committee, it makes me choke up, you know? [Barbara Boxer]

Winter was finally the time of such exertion as to constitute a triumph over nameless cold evil. As dogged as Shackleton striding across Antarctica, my friends and I trekked the neighborhoods looking for the best snow street, and when we found it we took off with no further ceremony, running all out, our Flexible Flyers held aloft and, attaining launch speed, we threw ourselves and our sleds through the air and bellywhopped our way down the snow-packed avenue, the sticking snow flying into our grins and all the powers of life humming in our skinny little heart-pumping bodies. [E. L. Doctorow]

It was a gazillion degrees. [Christine Quinn]

Lest you fancy yourself excluded from this yearn-fest, here is an encouraging find, indeed: Gregorbugpymy's native-New Yorker counterpart.

props if you can help identify this street corner? it kinda looks like ~107th where broadway curves around.  but there is very little evidence to support that or any theory.  pure speculation.  maybe if that darn house plant weren't blocking the view!


hoooooly shiz could this be it??


  1. "I moved to Sheepshead Bay from Brighton Beach in ’55. I lived in a co-op. There were four six-story buildings, and I had friends in all of them. If you wanted your friend to come over, you just went down into the courtyard and yelled his name as loud as you could. My friend Jerry was on the fourth floor, and my friend Sheldon was on the second floor, so I was constantly shuttling to their houses. We called them houses, by the way. We never called them apartments."

    larry david. see i'm not weird for saying "emma came over to my house" or "i'm gonna have a slumber party at calypso's house"

  2. I'm so glad you pointed out all of these. Who said the one that you posted as a status?

  3. From http://nymag.com/news/features/childhood/look-book-2013-4/index7.html

    What makes New York special?
    I like that we have the American Girl store and that there are lots of parks where people can play. I also like that we have good food.

  4. spike lee said my status (there's something wrong with that sentence?)

    are you sure that wasn't EMMA???

    do you think that's the same street corner??????????


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