
Showing posts from November, 2012


1. the background really looks like Scarsdale High School 2. his current profile picture 3. "how is the internship going?"  --> The 40-Year-Old Intern 4. the umbrella looks to be defying basic physics

Appalachian English




Nanny 2.0

New but not improved.

Scaaahsdale Guidance Counselor What?!?!

Awesome 101: Albino Zebras


Are you going to the networking event at Artopolis?


Portrait of a Pymy as a Newly Minted Insomniac

I just did this: What is happening to me???

Unofficial Mascot of the New York Pymies

Figured out how to port the image files of our beloved tofu stickers to the format of our beloved blog. Everyone wins!  More to come.

I'll never need another cat video

I actually cried laughing

ASL? Bug/23/Male

So, this is [one of] the retarded game[s] that I play on the smartphone. I showed it to you, like, last week; you remarked that the father in the family was named Spider , the son Echo , the sons Pierone and Brunone , the wife Lillesse and so on.  There is no way to change the names, and they invariably are appropriate for either Italian people or...well...not people at all (cf. "Spider"). Pictured above is a "Virtual Families Matchmaking - Incoming Proposal" for one of my characters. In case you can't decipher the image, here's what is happening: The dude has glasses and your hair. Name: Bug Age: 23 Gender: Male Profession: Beginner Hacker Salary: $45/day. Has $158 in the bank. Wants kids?: Maybe Likes: ___ Dislikes: dusting I just about died.

Best of luck in tennis and all that you do!

"YES, I want to help change the lives of Israel's children in need - and ensure a brighter future for the State of Israel. Enclosed is my tax deductible contribution to the Israel Tennis Centers Foundation." Jeez, you give money to one Jewish organization and you get on the mailing list for all of them. Really?

Christopher Walken understands

From last week's NYT Magazine. "A dog will polish the bowl, but a cat always leaves a little bit. It's like an offering." Christopher Walken

A Curated Collection of Quotes about Whisky (for which you can thank me in whisky)

"Too much of anything is bad, but too much of good whisky is barely enough." Mark Twain "The light music of whisky falling into a glass - an agreeable interlude." James Joyce "Always carry a large flagon of whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake." W. C. Fields "I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis." Humphrey Bogart 's last words "Whisky is liquid sunshine." George Bernard Shaw "The water was not fit to drink. To make it palatable, we had to add whisky. By diligent effort, I learned to like it."   Sir Winston Churchill "There are two things a Highlander likes naked, and one of them is malt whisky." Scottish Proverb "May the enemies of Ireland never eat bread nor drink whisky, but be tormented with itching without the benefit of scratching." Irish toast "Whisky, drink divine! Why should drivelers bore us With the prais

Look at the bottom


Plants vs. Sims?!?!

** SEE 3:37 **

De como Athena tumbó a Rachel

Winter Storm Brutus: Why We Named It Winter Storm Athena: Why We Named It [Athena knocked me down the Subway steps this morning. It's true.] NEW YORK — Winter Storm Athena, which stymied recovery efforts from Superstorm Sandy, pulled away from New York and New Jersey Thursday, leaving a blanket of thick, wet snow that snapped storm-weakened trees and downed power lines, but didn't appear to add much more to the devastation. More winds are expected through Thursday and commuters may have to brave lingering snowfall. "We aren't out of the woods yet in terms of the winds of this system," Tom Niziol, winter weather expert for The Weather Channel, said Thursday morning. "Once again, I want to reiterate that without Sandy, we may not have named this storm. However, one of our main reasons for naming events is societal impact. With so many people still under recovery efforts -- even well inland -- the combination of heavy, wet snow and wind prompted the decisio

Evangelical American Princesses

Here are some interesting blogs to view at your leisure (Christian Men's Defense has been locked, but you can still use Google cache <3 <3 <3) ENJOIIII


BEHOLD: "I can't believe it's not cocaine!"

Employment Cat

How I feel at my internship


Wenedyk Wenedyk (in English: Venedic) is a naturalistic constructed language , created by the Dutch translator Jan van Steenbergen (who also co-created the international auxiliary language Slovianski ). It is used in the fictional Republic of the Two Crowns (based on the Republic of Two Nations ), in the alternate timeline of Ill Bethisad . Officially, Wenedyk is a descendant of Vulgar Latin with a strong Slavic admixture, based on the premise that the Roman Empire incorporated the ancestors of the Poles in their territory. Less officially, it tries to show what Polish would have looked like if it had been a Romance instead of a Slavic language. An alternative Polish term for the language could thus be either polskowłoski, incorporating the term włoski, originally meaning Vlach but now applied in Polish to Italian , or polskoromański, literally "Polish-Romance". On the Internet, it is well-recognized as an example of the altlang genre, much like  Brithenig and Bre

Solution to our chronic B.O.S. (Book Overload Syndrome)

want want want want want want want want want want want


Husband can't have sex with wife after seeing her give birth I worry this may happen to me one day