First off, let me apologize for not posting as regularly as I said I would. I suck at blogging. I am not made for this digi-generation, I know. I would be better set with a nice Morse code message (remember??). Anyways, this is my attempt at constructing a hasty summary of The Hard Time of A.G. Comiskey.

1) I found an apartment!!! I'm leasing a place for a year with josh, Sean's older brother, mainly out of convenience (since we've been living together for about 2 months now anyways). Also, now I can trap Sean into gay marrying me and making me a real woman. Fuck yes. Anyways, the address it 289 Classon Avenue, it's in Brooklyn - border of Clinton Hill/BedStuy (but obviously I'm going to pretend I'm Biggie and say I live in BedStuy) right across from Pratt. Third floor walk-up, two bedrooms, big kitchen/living room area, exposed brick in every room, hardwood floors, fire escape from my room which faces south I think. I think you'll love it, I'll take pictures for you soon. Rent is $925 a month, which isn't great but isn't terrible. Also, it's a block away from the Classon Ave G stop, which I love (Stockholm Syndrome FTW)

2) Work has been going well - my back and fingers are starting to kill from hunching over a desk and typing all day, but I'm learning alot so wooh. I get my first check on Thursday, and will be pouring half of it into the apartment (see above) (#newyorkrentsucks). Working late is kind of annoying, but I'd rather miss every happy hour and be able to go in late than have to leave home at fucking 8AM to get to work, you know?

3) Honestly, I can't think of anything else that's been going on? I've been going out alot on the weekends, getting drunk, but I stopped drinking from Tuesday to Friday, so my liver feels SO FRESH 'N SO CLEAN CLEAN.

How's the other hemisphere?? When does Marion arrive?? When do you return?? How did you manage to find and fuck the only black guy in the country?!?!
