
bermida, bermuda

Remember the film  Ida  we were planning to see at Lincoln Plaza when your water heater exploded or something? Just noticed it's free to stream on Amazon Prime (yes I pay for that) so let's book a date with your couch once you're back in sunny New York.

invasion imminent

I'm transferring to NYU or Columbia from FIDM to study psychology, so you'll see me in New York if you live here but I HATE stalkers! — amanda bynes (@amandabynes) October 7, 2014 What do you think her safety schools are? It is during times like these that I thank my lucky stars to be on CU Public Safety's sms alert system.


Friday, October 03, 2014 If you were looking for pictures of Brad Pitt in the year 1998, you have come to the right place. You'll definitely want to click that image to enlarge. Enlarge and savor. Savor and enlarge. Rinse and repeat. Can you even? Thought not. Now, moving on to the real meat and potatoes of this post--cutting to a truer, madder and deeper chase --let us consider: The romance of Kate Moss and Johnny Depp. How great is it that all this happened? Naturally, Lord Byron sums it up: 'Tis not on youth's smooth cheek the blush alone which fades so fast/ But the tender bloom of heart is gone ere youth itself be past. ⚐ ANGIEPYMÉ at 10/03/2014 12:18:00 AM 3 Comments Labels: 1990s

Of Monsey and Pigeons

reposting a nice little piece from last week's nyt magazine [ link ] with several parts that felt like inside jokes between us. should we feel robbed? Bitten to the Quick By ABIGAIL MEISEL SEPT. 19, 2014 In the spring of 2013, a family of pigeons nested in scaffolding outside my apartment building two blocks off St. Nicholas Avenue in Manhattan’s Washington Heights. From the window of my first-floor apartment, I heard the cheeping of baby birds and affectionately observed their downy forms and tiny black-tipped beaks: my very own slice of nature. But in May, when the squabs matured into fledglings and flew off, it seems that a horde of barely visible parasites that had been feeding off them — bird mites — needed a new blood supply. They launched an Old Testament-worthy invasion of the first-floor apartments. Relentless and nocturnal, the bugs robbed us all of sleep, raising painful red bites on my skin that were ringed with bruises. They appeared to prefer warm and damp l...

Trolling Google Devs

i see you, googill, i do

Aishes Chayil Car Service...

For all the Aishes Chayil in your life: The New Aishes Chayil car service. — Michael Emerson (@memerson1) February 15, 2012

Mutant Ninja Forum

Image is the leading online community for pet tortoise keepers. Our app allows you to access our forums on your Android mobile device so you can post questions from your yard or reptile room, upload photos of your animals, and stay connected with other tortoise enthusiasts. Tortoise keepers will appreciate the ability to search our veterinarian lists for information about local tortoise and reptile veterinarians. This app can also be used to stay up to date on new listings in our classifieds. Find current information on tortoise keeping and stay alerted to reptile news and happenings in the reptile community. Ready fer sum picz-or-it-didn't-happen?  Just gonna let that one sink in. Yeeaaaahhhhh. "If your a turtle lover/owner, and you have never been to the tortoise forum. You have some issues. This app 5 stars" BTW, this is payback for when you signed me up for the Turtle Farm newsletter (733 days ago). Gmail never forgets ----- ...


Cribbed extensively (fully) from today's Dazed States of Independence with Mike the Ruler, please see the following description of a SS'04 show and accompanying image and video. Then enjoy spending the rest of the day devouring more information about it. "Considering the awesome, spooky spectacle of Carol Christian Poell’s “Mainstream Downstream” presentation in Milan for men’s SS04, it’s a wonder the label isn’t more famous. Models were sent floating down the city’s Naviglio Grande canal (presumably buoyed by hidden floats), like a bunch of well-dressed corpses, or modern-day male Ophelias. Injections of blood red in the outfits only added to the sense of the macabre."

Indecision Awareness Day

Well Buzzfeed really nailed it .  In particular: You don't have a closet full of clothes, you have a closet full of potential decisions that will eventually make you late. Any menu that is longer than one page is going to give you nightmares. Netflix = the thing that makes you waste more time deciding between 46 different options than actually watching one thing. You have definitely stood at the store trying to decide what to get for so long, that you finally just quit and went home. (Even if you went to the store SPECIFICALLY to buy something.) **also applies to Netflix Choosing what to read next is kind of torture. Friday night = the night when you argue with yourself for two hours about whether to go out or stay in. You really wish that Google maps would give you one route option, instead of three.  **New York edition: You can't decide the best train combo to get to 25th and 3rd, so you walk.

Jungian Maps

This is an excellent YouTube channel, with excerpts from audiobooks of Jung's works together with surrealist film clips. You're welcome.