
The City in Ruins: Rue York?

Subway Coney Island Statue of Liberty under construction in 1985

Magic: State Illusions and Scientific Diversions Including Trick Photography

saw this at the Met the other day...

Gold-plated MacBook Pro?


"Minimum tip recommended"

idk it was just hilarious to me.

Les pymes n'oublient jamais leur amour pour Nico

Nico and her son (!!!!!!) on the cover of his memoir,  L'amour n'oublie jamais

Book by David Marnet (father of Zosia/Shoshana Shapiro)

It's called The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-hatred, and the Jews . Mamet addresses the book "To the Jews…whose favorite Jew is Anne Frank…who bow the head reverently at a baptism and have never attended a bris – to you, who find your religion and race repulsive, your ignorance of your history a satisfaction, here is a book from your brother." Mamet confronts his readers: "The world hates Jews. ... The world hates you." Mamet goes on to analyze what happens when Jews abandon loyalty to their religion and tradition in order, as he sees it, to find acceptance in Israel-bashing liberal society. "It is the sin of the spies, a ‘coward generation’ with a ‘lack of belief in God.’ People have a drive to worship something, and will fill the void left by rejecting God by worshipping sports, celebrities, ‘wealth, fame, status, sex, physical fitness, good works, human perfectibility.” In the lavish bar mitzvah, Mamet sees the sin of the golden calf: ...

little rich boy overload


One of those nights

It's so original, hydrogenic, anthropomorphic, fiscal, post-anti-esthetic,                bland, unpicturesque and WilliamCarlosWilliamsian! it's definitely not 19th Century, it's not even Partisan Review, it's                   new, it must be vanguard!

