
Showing posts from July, 2014

Indecision Awareness Day

Well Buzzfeed really nailed it .  In particular: You don't have a closet full of clothes, you have a closet full of potential decisions that will eventually make you late. Any menu that is longer than one page is going to give you nightmares. Netflix = the thing that makes you waste more time deciding between 46 different options than actually watching one thing. You have definitely stood at the store trying to decide what to get for so long, that you finally just quit and went home. (Even if you went to the store SPECIFICALLY to buy something.) **also applies to Netflix Choosing what to read next is kind of torture. Friday night = the night when you argue with yourself for two hours about whether to go out or stay in. You really wish that Google maps would give you one route option, instead of three.  **New York edition: You can't decide the best train combo to get to 25th and 3rd, so you walk.

Jungian Maps

This is an excellent YouTube channel, with excerpts from audiobooks of Jung's works together with surrealist film clips. You're welcome.