
Showing posts from December, 2011

Jewish Law in the polar regions

you read that correctly

los quiero

girls getting away with men's footwear

Wait wait...

are you trying to tell me it's not on the best-seller list?

Pymy and Pymy's Winter Movie Marathon

Roman Polanski's Carnage .  Looking at the NYT review, the first paragraph alone involves whiskey, two young boys, a hamster, the streets of Brooklyn and the word "spry".  I literally read no more of the review.  Even if it's not Polanski's best, it's worth seeing.  That reminds me - did you ever see Repulsion?  You would like it and I want to re-watch it anyway. NOT the new film by the director of The Hours and Billy Elliot, Stephen Daldry.  This one centers around a nine-year-old New Yorker searching the City for the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father who died in 9/11.  The kid is a cute little science explorer very attached to his dad, aka you.  What's the problem?  Tom Hanks and -- t a k e   a   m o m e n t   t o   b r a c e    y o u r s e l f -- Sandra Bullock. The new and aggressively-advertised Charlize Theron movie, because it looks like Repulsion if Repulsion were a come...
do you get the "rear window" tag?

Lou Reed collaborates with Metallica in a video directed by Darren Aronofsky......?

I don't know about all this.  But it's nice to see Lou still working.